49 days, seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot
8 Iyar 5773 | April 18, 2013
23rd Day of the Omer
The longer I live, the more important people have become to me. At this stage of my life, nearly everything I do-even related to personal growth-is motivated by a desire to help others.
Make the decision to put others ahead of your own agenda. Put your family ahead of your own agenda. Put the development of people at the workplace ahead of your own advancement. Serve others instead of yourself. Commit to it, and then invite others in your life to hold you accountable. And remember, sometimes the seeds you sow take a long time to grow. But you will always harvest.
John Maxwell, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
Baruch Ata Adonai Elo-hei-nu me-lech ha-olam a-sher ke-d-sha-nu b- mitz-vo-tav, v-tzi-va-nu al s-fi-rat ha-omer.
Praised be you Adonai our God who rules the Universe instilling within us the holiness of mitzvot by commanding us to count the Omer.
Today is the twenty-third day of the Omer - three weeks and two days of the Omer.