49 days, seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot
10 Iyar 5773 | April 20, 2013
25th Day of the Omer
Learn to be quiet.
You need not do anything.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
You need not even listen, just wait.
You need not even wait,
just learn to be quiet, still and solitary.
And the world will freely offer itself to you unmasked.
It has no choice,
it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
Franz Kafka
Baruch Ata Adonai Elo-hei-nu me-lech ha-olam a-sher ke-d-sha-nu b- mitz-vo-tav, v-tzi-va-nu al s-fi-rat ha-omer.
Praised be you Adonai our God who rules the Universe instilling within us the holiness of mitzvot by commanding us to count the Omer.
Today is the twenty-fifth day - three weeks and four days of the Omer.