49 days, seven weeks between Passover and Shavuot
12 Iyar 5773 | April 22, 2013
Earth Day
27th Day of the Omer
To learn how to die cut down a tree,
Watch how so many years fall.
You don't need to have planted it for it to be your life.
You know countless trees
have grown and will grow where this tree falls
Everyone alive now will be underground
and will have gone from roots, branches and leaves to roots,
branches and leaves many times.
You've seen how the seed of a tree
can rise from the pit of a stump.
Wherever your feet touch earth you know you are touching
where something has died or been born.
Count the rings and stand on the stump
and stretch your arms to the sky.
Think only because it was cut down could you do this.
You are standing where no one has stood
but the dark inside a life that many years.
Antler, Earth Prayers