28 Elul 5773

28 Elul  

All my life I have fought for three things: the freedom to think creatively, the trust to love completely, the courage to heal what is broken. All I can say is that after so many years, I am still so very far from myself. We must find the way to live beyond the boundaries. Because within the well tended fence of our soul we hold on to so much that we no longer need. We cling to the weight of our lives, thinking that it saves us, grounds us, keeps us from drifting too far from our past. But drift we must, if what holds us, keeps us down. This is what I mean to say: with all the strength and might that we have, we must dare to live, to be whole, to be curious, to dwell in imagination, to reach. To approach with humility the Holy One, that invisible, mysterious, unity that is the source of light. Creative spirit. Spirit of goodness and aspiration. Source of love.

  By Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar