Brit Milah
Mazel Tov on the happy arrival of your son! The first mitzvah experienced by the newborn boy is his Brit Milah - ritual circumcision. It is through this ceremony that the child enters into the Covenant of our forefather Abraham. This is also when he is given his Jewish name, cementing the irrevocable bond between him and his Jewish soul.
"This is My covenant that you shall observe between Me and you and your children after you, to circumcise your every male. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall become the sign of a covenant between Me and you" (Genesis 17:10-11).
For more information about Brit Milah, please contact our clergy.
Baby Naming
Mazel Tov on the happy arrival of your child! BJBE would be honored to welcome your child into the community through a baby naming ceremony. For more information about Baby Naming ceremonies, please contact our clergy.
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs
Bar Mitzvah literally means "Son of Mitzvah," which describes the young man now responsible to do all mitzvot (commandments). Bat Mitzvah literally means "Daughter of Mitzvah," or the young woman now responsible to observe all of her mitzvot. This occasion is cause for great celebration and gratitude to G-d, and hence the Bar or Bat Mitzvah ceremony.
A traditional Jewish wedding is a tapestry woven from many threads: biblical, historical, mystical, cultural and legal.
Death & Mourning
Our tradition encompasses all of life, day and night, light and dark. Even in the most difficult of situations our Torah is there to strengthen us, to guide us, and to help us grow and see beyond our loss.