25th Anniversary Women of the Wall - update

Women of the WallOver the course of this week, many of you have seen the moving videos and pictures that have been posted on Facebook by members of our BJBE Women of the Wall delegation. These images capture their time in Jerusalem, especially their powerful experience at the Western Wall on Rosh Hodesh with hundreds of other women who came to support religious pluralism.

We know that the events surrounding the 25th anniversary of Women of the Wall have had a profound impact on everyone who was there, as well as the community here that they return to. What began with the idea of a few women celebrating this milestone, grew into a national mission of hundreds who converged in Jerusalem to honor Women of the Wall and stand together for one beautiful moment in history. We are proud of the leadership of Rabbi Kedar and Cantor Frost and the example they set through their dedication to this sacred endeavor. Please click here to view a video, here to see a news release with a video and scroll down to see photos.

Cantor Frost at Women of the Wall the wall Cantor Frost & Julie Silver Dinner at the Women of the Wall BJBE at the Women of the Wall wow wow wow wow  wow  wow wow  wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
