Spiritual Seekers Discussion Groups
Day & Time TBD
Omer Study Group
Spring 2017 Dates TBD
Spiritual seekers will meet weekly during the period known as the Omer to count the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. We will explore the Jewish principles involved in preparing to receive Torah. Omer, A Counting by Rabbi Karyn Kedar will be used as one of the texts for discussion, as well as other sources. Join us as we make these 49 days count!
Contact: Stellie Friedman or 847-912-9627
Searchers Groups
Searchers is the ultimate in Jewish learning as spiritual practice. In a Searchers group, sacred text becomes the vehicle for exploring your own spirituality, for making new friends, and for sharing new ideas and contemplating life's experiences in the safety of a caring community. Groups are lay led and meet on a monthly basis. All of us are searching.
Contact: Beth Kon
Learners' Circles
Learners' Circles are the hottest new thing in 21st century adult study. Gather your own group of 7-10 friends, pick a Jewish topic you're interested in studying, and one of our clergy will teach 3-4 sessions at a time and place that is convenient for you.
Contact: Andrew Abrams