Organized by Bohemian Jews as a Cemetery Association.
Decision by 15 members to form a synagogue; dues 25 cents/mo. A hall was secured free of charge for Rosh Hashana. Mr. J. Ascherman volunteered to serve as Cantor, a Torah was borrowed from Agudas Achim. A Simchat Torah ball was held.
Spring: A hall was rented at Halsted & 20th, for Services. A few years later, a Sabbath School was organized under the guidance of Dr. Moritz Weil. In the spring of 1896 a LadiesĀ¹ Society was formed. The ladies undertook the responsibility of preparing the dead for burial, going to the funeral and then back to the home. They also paid sick benefits.
A cemetery was bought at 6700 W. Addison, named Mt. BĀ¹nai Jehoshua, and paid for in cash. A building was purchased for use as a Temple. For 3 months, it was remodeled, installing the latest equipment, including steam heat and electric light.
A Juniors group was organized.
Ground was broken for the erection of a new building at 20th and Ashland.
The new building was completed and dedicated. Guest speaker was Rabbi G. George Fox of South Shore Temple (who was Rabbi Shapiro's Rabbi when he was growing up.)
B'nai Jehoshua Youth Group hosted a CFTY Winter Conclave.