Ongoing Social Action Programs

Annual High Holy Days Food Drive
For 37,000 Chicago area Jews, the Yom Kippur fast is not always a voluntary activity. Please help us end the pain and shame of hunger. During Rosh Hashanah, bags are distributed for our congregants to fill with non-perishable food items and paper goods to be returned to BJBE on Yom Kippur. Items will be donated to The ARK for distribution.

Maot Chitim: Feeding the Hungry
Twice a year, at Rosh Hashanah and Pesach, we partner with Maot Chitim to pack and deliver boxes of food to people in the Chicago area who are in need. Participants must be at least 12 years old to participate in warehouse activities.
Contact: Brian Aronson

Fall & Spring Blood Drives
The Social Action Network coordinates a blood drive for LifeSource to help those Chicagoans in need of blood and blood products. Committee members and donors are always needed. 
Contacts: Rachel Tzinberg and Richard Goldberg

Annual MLK Day of Service
Make Martin Luther King Day a day on instead of a day off. We provide various off- and on-site social action opportunities to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to participating, opportunities for planning and “day-of” leadership are available.
Contact: Melanie Berkowitz

Social Action Programs for Families with Young Children
Getting our children involved in Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and G'milut Chasadim (acts of kindness) at a young age is a primary goal of our programming. Making connections and growing friendships with other young families is another. Join us once or on an ongoing basis for multi-generational programming as we bake cookies for Project Nourish, collect food for the ARK, participate in a “food stamp shopping challenge,” create “charity chests” for the home, fill activity bags for local children’s hospitals, and much more. 
Contact: Melanie Berkowitz 

Sisterhood Social Action
Sisterhood organizes social action projects throughout the year, such as collections for the Deerfield Food Pantry, creating pillows for Breast Cancer Survivors, and sending notes to the Lone Soldiers in the Israeli Army. Please visit the Sisterhood page for more information and contact details.

ConTextos is a Chicago-based non-governmental organization led by Debra Gittler (Susie Wexler's sister) that "uses the power of literary and art education to promote healing and reflection, and to foster critical thinking and dialogue through personal storytelling. We seek to lift up the voices and insights of people affected by trauma, to challenge assumptions, and to provoke change." For more information visit or email

Curt's Café
Curt's Café is a more than just a café – it’s an environment bringing about positive change. Their mission is “to improve outcomes for young adults living in at-risk situations through work and life skills training.” Please consider vising either the Highland Park or Evanston location. They are great spots for a casual meeting, relaxing with a cup, or getting some work done. For more information visit or call 847-748-8086.

Emergency Disaster Relief Trips
Make lasting connections, learn about Jewish life and culture, and lend your hands to help in communities that experience devastation through natural disaster. Together, we will have the opportunity to travel to rebuild and support affected communities with the hope of revisiting whenever necessary. Previous trips have included Joplin, MO, Moore, OK, and Washington, IL. If you would like to get involved contact Melanie Berkowitz.