We at BJBE know that congregational leadership and culture flow from many areas of the Temple structure. Our Administrative and Education teams guide our community and schools through much of what we do. This dedicated and friendly group are integral to the atmosphere of trust, fun, and commitment that help to bind our congregational community. We are deeply proud of the quality of education, both formal and informal, that we provide to our youth and are even prouder of the Jewish adults that we help to raise.
Contact the BJBE office at 847.940.7575 or at bjbe@bjbe.org.
Executive Director | Sarabeth Levine | slevine@bjbe.org |
Director of Jewish Living and Learning | Susie Wexler | swexler@bjbe.org |
Director of Operations | Shepherd Scantlin | sscantlin@bjbe.org |
Director of Finance and Technology | Larisa Rozman | lrozman@bjbe.org |
Development Manager | Judy Berkeley | jberkeley@bjbe.org |
JLC Director | Emily Lusardi | elusardi@bjbe.org |
Chava Center Director | Jacqueline Hubert | jbuzard@bjbe.org |
Enrichment and Engagemtn | Victoria Douzamy | vdouzamy@bjbe.org |
Membership & B'nai Mitzvah Coordinator | Paula Cooper | pcooper@bjbe.org |
JLC Administrative Assistant & Front Desk | Trisha Agrest | tagrest@bjbe.org |
Clergy Assistant | Valarie Rand | clergyassistant@bjbe.org |
Communications Coordinator | Riley Halpern | communications@bjbe.org |